Sunday, 9 November 2014
"Music for War and Peace"
2013 Goulding & Wood, Opus 50 (The Miller and Wrigley Organ) |
Sunday, 21 September 2014
2013 Goulding & Wood, Opus 50 (The Miller and Wrigley Organ) |
2013 Jaeckel Organ, St Matthias Episcopal Church, Minocqua, Wisconsin |
First Congregational Church, Elgin, Illinois |
Church of the Good Shepherd, Lexington, Kentucky (The "Miller and Wrigley Organ") |
Sunday, 9 February 2014
Bach / Fantasia g-moll, BWV 542
Franck / Symphonie gothique, Op. 17
The Cathedral of St Philip, Atlanta, Georgia |
1999 Schoenstein organ, St Francis in the Fields Episcopal Church, Harrods Creek, Kentucky |