On 3 July 2011 the Choir will sing services in Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, California.
Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, California |
From 20-26 July 2009 the Choir sang a residency in Ely Cathedral. Our connection with Ely is two-fold. In 2005 members of Good Shepherd's choirs sang under the direction of Mr Paul Trepte (organist of Ely Cathedral) at the RSCM summer course in Montreal. In 2006, while singing a residency at Durham Cathedral, we were joined by Mr Tony Blyth, a lay clerk from Ely Cathedral. We very much enjoyed seeing our Ely friends again and on their home turf for what was a most successful week of liturgy and art.
Ely Cathedral, Cambridgeshire, England |
On Sunday 6 July 2008 the choirs sang morning Eucharist in St Thomas Church, Fifth Avenue, New York City. St Thomas operates a schedule very similar to an English cathedral, complete with its own choir school and round of daily sung services. It was an honor for us to be invited to sing in such a prestigious church.
St Thomas Church, Fifth Avenue, New York |
Also on 6 July 2008 the choir sang the Office of Evensong in the Cathedral of St John the Divine, which rightly boasts to be the largest protestant cathedral in the world. What a joy to sing in these rolling acoustics!
Cathedral of St John the Divine, New York |
Cathedral of St John the Divine |
On 22 April 2006 the Choir sang services in St Philip's Cathedral in Atlanta at the invitation of our friend Bruce Neswick, Canon Musician at the Cathedral. Many singers in the Choir have a long association with Bruce and were thrilled at the opportunity to sing under his direction.
On 28 December 2006 the Choir sang A Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols in Church of the Advent, Cynthiana, Kentucky. Good Shepherd's Choir is no stranger to Church of the Advent, as we had the pleasure of singing there for Ascension Day Eucharist in May 2006. There is a splendid new instrument there by Dan Jaeckel.
Church of the Advent, Cynthiana |
Church of the Advent, Cynthiana |
2006 Jaeckel organ in Advent, Cynthiana |
2006 Jaeckel nameplate, Advent, Cynthiana |
On 3 December 2006 the Choir sang Advent Procession with Eucharist in St Peter's Church, Paris, KY. This was the Choir's first visit to St Peter's, Paris, however, three of our singers live in the surrounding area. If you visit St Peter's website notice the charming girl on the upper right of the headline--that's Margaret Leer, the Head Chorister of our Girls' Choir, who also serves as acolyte in St Peter's on her "off Sundays" from Good Shepherd!
St Peter's Episcopal Church, Paris, Kentucky |
From 31 July - 6 August 2006 the Choir sang their second and third English Cathedral residencies in Lichfield Cathedral and Durham Cathedral. As with all of the Choir's tours, it was a time of spiritual and musical growth that translated into renewed energy once we got home to Good Shepherd.
From 31 July--6 August 2006 the Choir sang a residency in Lichfield Cathedral, Staffordshire, England |
The Choir in Lichfield Cathedral |
From 7-11 August 2006 the Choir sang a residency in Durham Cathedral (Northern England) |
The Choir at Durham Cathedral, August 2006 |
On 21 May 2006 the Girls' Choir, Parish Choir, and Choir of St Michael's sang the Office of Evensong in St Mary's Church, Middlesboro, KY (near the Tennessee boarder!). The setting was beautiful and the congregation hosted a smashing garden party for us after the service. |
Chancel of St Mary's Middlesboro |
In July 2004 the Choir sang morning Eucharist in St Luke's, Evanston, Illinois |
In July 2004 the Choir sang Evensong in my former parish church of St Charles' in St Charles, Illinois |
In July 2004 the Choir sang afternoon Eucharist in Fourth Presbyterian Church, Chicago |
The Choir sang a residency at Gloucester Cathedral in August 2003 |
The Choir after evensong in Gloucester Cathedral, August 2003 |
Photos of the Choir in Gloucester Cathedral, August 2003